
SEDAD is a non government organization working for the deaf blind, disabled and destitute  people of Bangladesh. SEDAD is National Member and associated member of World Federation of the Deaf-Blind (WFDB) and is registered with the NGO Bureau Affairs of Bangladesh bearing registration no. 2414Socio-Economic Development Association for Disabled (SEDAD) has started its journey to the development path from 1st January 1992 and crossed 26 years of its development. Though there were lots of limitations and problems during the last twenty years, the activities have not been stopped but continued its development efforts with own speed, where there were success and failures also. In the mean time, new thoughts and ideas have been introduced in our development interventions and created new innovative sustainable ideas. The demand and expectations of the people however have changed with the march of creative world leaving previous thoughts and expectations, which resulted innovation and addition of new development techniques.

Executive Director of SEDAD is working in his desk

I have been working hard entirely to turn the disabled and destitute people into useful human resources and to spread their inner heart fully through increasing their fullest participation in development process. Empowerment of the poor and participation of the women side by side of their male partners are the precondition of our development process.



Type Text Here SEDAD is giving special priority for the deafblind peopls. Since the year 2000, it has been working as national and association of World federation of Deafblind (WFDB). Deafblindness is a disability that combines varying degrees of both hearing and visual impairment. Most of the leaning and experience we get through our eyes and ears. Deafblind are the people who have no eyes and ear power. All deafblind experience extreme challenges with communication and mobility and most have additional physical and medical conditions. Persons with deafblindness face neglect and discrimination owing to their inability to communicate and relate to the world. They are thus denied even the basic human rights like education, medical care, amongst other needs that are taken for granted by most of us. There is very little awareness about deafblindness amongst the government, general public and other NGOs working in the area of disability. Due to this situation many deafblind children and adults are left without support and even considered severely mentally retarded incorrectly.  What most people do not know is that deafblind children and adults can become active members of society if provided with the right care and support. This organization more than five hundred deaf blind member, associate and beneficiaries. 

SEDAD have participated previous WFBD conference in Philippine, Uganda, New Zealand and Finland.  Executive Director of SEDAD, Md Abudul Motaleb participated much previous conference of WFBD and Helen keller international conference.

Program for Deafblind :
Organized motivational meeting with the concerned authority of Bangladesh government,
Deaf blind survey, data collection
Organizing press conference
Run research on deaf blind.
Awareness program for the mass people.
Motavation program with concerned government officials.
Family and Caregiver Counseling.
Tactile communication teaching through counseling. 
Referral service.
Organized Sharing meting exchange knowledge and experience and implement the learning for the development of deafbilnd community in Bangladesh.
Participate in the national internation meting on deafblindness.

1. Mr. Safiur Rahman, Chief Advisor.
2. Mr. Syed Jahangir Hosen Masum, Advisor.
3. Mr. Md Shahin Alam.
4. Mr. Syed Jahid Hossain
5. Mr. Md Delwar Hossain.

6. Mr. Md Abidur Rahman.

Executive Committee of SEDAD

Md Shahjahan Miah : President

Md Habibur Rahman :  Senior Vice-president

Ali Haider :  Vice-president

Md Abdul Motaleb : General Secretary & Executive Director

Halima Aktari : Joint General Secretary

Md Nazrul Islam : Treasurer

Farjana Akter :  Executive Member

Ruhul Kuddus Kiron : Executive Member 

Asma Sultana : Executive Member 

Staffs of SEDAD
Md Abdul Motaleb : Executive Director 
Md TareK Hasan : Project Coordinator
Md Abu Bakkar Siddique : Accountant's Officer (part time)
Gulshan Ara Ferdows Shampa : Project Community Organizer

Also SEDAD has Field Staff : 50 and Volunteer : 12

We are paying our heartiest regards to the respected Executive Committee and General Council Members, whose valuable advice and efforts encouraged and stimulated us. Remembering the field staff of both the lead NGO and the co-operating partners those have performed the difficult responsibilities at the grass root levels for making the programs effective and successful and paying cordial wishes and regards. We are grateful to the Donors, Advisers and the Government Administrations, Different Departments and the sister organizations for their cordial co-operation and supports for the implementation of the Organizational activities.

Participation of SEDAD in EMB  network Annual General Meeting of the year 2021 was held on January 28, 2021 at Save the Children USA office in Gulshan-2, Dhaka.  

DPO monthly meeting of the month February 2021 on the 'Inclusion Works'  project was held on Feb 06, 2021 at the SEDAD office in Tongi, Gazipur.

Policy and Rural Development Project : 
It is seeking to develop an inclusive project based on rural area. The objective of this project is to develop an end-to-end system for water management. As affordable clean drinking water in Bangladesh is scarce due to the high cost of filtration by 2050, water availability is expected to drop by about 54%. SEDAD have therefore identified a significant opportunity to develop a new technology solution to supply affordable drinking water to low-income communities. It aims to further develop filtration technology, water harvesting technologies including rainwater and water waste management. SEDAD has done work for treatment installations in rural and urban areas across Bangladesh, reaching more than 1.2 million people. In order to build on this experience, SEDAD believes that there is a high probability of breaking even in the long term, and has therefore invested in a pilot program to test this time frame. The development impact of this venture will help SEDAD make their technologies more efficient and reach scale faster. By 2015, the objective is for SEDAD to increase their reach from.2 million consumers to 8 million. This is essential to health in lower income areas as clean water reduces infant mortality, diseases and stunted growth. This helps increase earnings by reducing loss of working hours due to water-borne diseases and can, at times, save people from severe conditions such as arsenic sis.The Business Innovation Facility aims to assist this venture by helping SEDAD assess the market for water treatment, provide data driven design inputs for technology development, facilitate partnership with large multinational corporations for technology partnership, support pilot implementation and produce final reports capturing lessons learnt and next steps.

In the meantime, SEDAD has successfully completed over 26 years of its development interventions in the field of rehabilitation and education of the persons with disability. During the period of 26 years the organization had to confront various odd situations and obstacles in the pursuits of its activities. This specified information / report is an honest and modest effort to publicize all its attempts undertaken to survive as a development of the disabled persons and the progress made in the period of reporting.  So the report at its present form provides a momentary view of the organization’s own profile and its involvement, experiences, lessons learnt, obstacles faced with etc during the implementation of the concerned programs.  SEDAD is  operating and implementing is programs for the development of disable people with the support of 6 partner organization in different district of Bangladesh.