
  • Management of the organization:
    A 26 (Twenty one) member Governing Council meets once in a year and they are responsible to govern the organization. The General members, associated members and life members elected the Governing Council (GC). The Governing Council (GC) is the highest policy making body of the Organization. A seven (07) member Executive Committee elected by the Governing Council (GC) looks after the total management of the operation and guide the Executive Director to run the day-to-day Administration and Management. This Executive Committee (EC) should meet once in a month. The Executive Committee (EC) also needs to make plan of operation and prepare the Annual Budget accordingly. The Executive Director / Secretary General Looks after the day to day administration advise and assist the Program Director for effective implementation of all program and Project activities.

    The following Organogram gives the management structure of the Organization SEDAD:              

    Executive committee is consist of 7 person, President, Vice-president, General Secratery-Executive Director.  Joint Secretary, Treasurer, two Executive committee member

    Key Objectives: 1. To organize the deaf-blind & disabled persons and the members of their families and the destitute people into functional groups to participate in suitable program for improvement of their life situation.

    2. To organize and implement suitable programs for socio economic development of the deaf-blind & disabled, disadvantages people including their families and the society as self respected members with dignity. It is so needed, as the disabled people are still remained dependent on mercy of the society.

    3. Social support and deaf-blind communicator development, rehabilitation, necessary equipment support and special education for the Deaf-blind.

    4. Promotion and safeguarding the human rights of the deaf-blind & disabled person and the destitute people. To develop and participate in all spheres of life with other members of the society.

    5. To develop the health, hygiene and nutritional aspect of the families of the deaf-blind, disabled and the destitute & disadvantage people, which can help to minimize / reduce disabilities as possible to ensure wealthy life.

    6. To change the attitude of community people to provide assistance for developing the deaf-blind disabled persons and destitute people rather than apathetic feeling for them.                                                                                                                                     
    7. To undertake survey, study and research works on disability issue to find out valuable data that can help planning, undertaking and implementation of viable programs for the deaf-blind, disabled & disadvantage people.

    8. To create opportunities for preventing children dropout and never enrolled in primary school adult both male and female, adolescent boys and girls both will brought under formal and non-formal education program.

    9. To develop the socio economic condition of the targeted people through organizing them in to small groups, capital formation, motivation and non-formal education (NFE).

    10. To develop the targeted people into skilled, conscious and qualified through arranging training, seminar and workshop etc.

    11. To create employment and self-employment opportunities through undertaking different appropriate, viable and feasible Income Generating Activities IGA).

    12. To create favorable health atmosphere and to control population growth through providing primary health and family planning education.

    13. To eradicate social barriers, religious superstition, injustice, exploitation, deprivation etc. through education and motivation.

    14. To reduce social diseases like divorce, abandon, separation, dowry and torture through increasing the social value of women and participation in decision-makings processes.

    15. To develop the local environmental situations political free through forestry and nursery development.

    16. To participate in relief and rehabilitation activities at the time of natural calamities to help the victims.

    18. To change the attitude of community people to provide assistance for developing the heard of hearing people.

    19. To establish taking library and Braille library where necessary. 

    20. To assist the Government effort for creation of good governance and establishment of rule of law in the country.

    21.  To participate in all events such as mass rallies, holding of seminars and offer activities for establishment of human rights, women rights and rights of the disabled people.

    Target Beneficiaries:        
    Direct Beneficiaries:

    Deaf-blind and other disabled persons with special emphasis on children & women.                      

    Distressed, destitute people and disadvantaged peoples-especially women and children living in both rural and urban areas.  

    Indirect Beneficiaries:
    Family members of deaf-blind, other disabled persons & children.                                      
    Family members of distressed and destitute persons living in both rural and urban areas.                                                                                                                                       
    All other persons living in the same communities.                                                                             
    All employees of SEDAD.

    On Going Activities: 

    Capacity Building Training

    Awareness Raising Program

    Democracy and Sustainable Human Development

    Motivation & Sensitization

    Community Health & Education Program Climate Change Adaptation Small Projects on Hogla Chatay Project,  Morich Chas Project,  Fishing, Goat Rearing etc.

    Self-help Group Formation

    Education Programs for Children with Multiple Disabilities

    Providing of Educational Material

    Services for the Deaf-blind & their Families

    Environment, Forestry and Agriculture Program.

    Family planning, Health and Nutrition Program

    Providing of Assistive Devices

    Disables Lives Improvement Program

    Small Business Training

    Women Disabled Handicraft Training

    To aware for Deaf-blind People

    Rally and Day Observation

    Women and Child Advocacy & Awareness Program

    Literacy Program

    Heard of Hearing Education & Rehabilitation Program

    Soft-loan  Distribution

    Plan of Actions:  Development and rehabilitation of deaf-blind and other disabled persons with particular emphasis on women & children.

    Development of human rights for deaf-blind, disabled, disadvantage people, women Right, poor distressed and destitute persons.

    Vocational Training Center for the deaf-blind and other disabled groups.

    Building school for the deaf-blind and other disabled communities.

    Establishment a hospital/ treatment centre for deaf-blind, disabled and disadvantaged groups.

    Tactile communication training & education center.

    Mass education and literacy program.

    Arrange agriculture training program.

    Drinking water and sanitation program in rural area.

    Doing Nutrition Program in Rural and urban area.

    Development and rehabilitation of distressed and destitute persons living in both rural and urban areas with special emphasis on women.

    Establishment of equal rights for distressed and destitute persons.

    Participation in Government efforts for the development of human resources with special emphasis on Deaf-blind and other disabled persons.

    Establishment of resource centers for deaf-blind, disabled, orphans, disadvantage people, women right, poor distressed and destitute persons.

    Rehabilitation of mental and intellectual disabled person.
    Development of heard hearing people by technical support, Education and awareness raising programmed.

    To assist the government’s efforts for establishment of good governance and rule of laws in the country.

    To participate in all events such as mass rallies, holding of seminars and other activities for the establishment human rights, women rights and right of all disabled & Disadvantage people.

    Major Development of SEDAD in 2015-2016

    Establishment of Linkages with Donors: Linkages have been established with several international & National donors and organizations. Several foreign donors came to Bangladesh, as well as SEDAD’s representatives attended in many seminars and trainings in USA and Europe on disabilities such as  Helen Keller…etc.

    Participation in National & International Conference

    Achievements made by different Programs and Projects : During the period from July 2015 to June 2016, the following progresses have been made by different programs in co-operation with the partner NGOs:

    People’s Empowerment for Addressing Climate justices and Environmental Justices (PEACE)

    Distribution of Hogla leaf: We were able to aware the people through “people’s climate change school going female messenger team” about the bad effects of climate change and how peoples can be adapted with this environment, how they can save their life from any disaster and where they should go to protect them. By these awareness activities our beneficiaries getting the benefits and now they know about their rights, climate change and its impact on disabled person. The total direct beneficiaries were 480, indirect beneficiaries 2500 (they are including from mass media, civil society, local community). Besides, through a “Small Fishing Adaptation Project” we were able to develop people’s socio economic status and food security as they were affected by climate change hazard tremendously. The total direct beneficiaries were 20 and the project is ongoing successfully. However, we were also able to provide “Hogla Leaf” (A Mat made by Hogla plant) among poor and destitute communities in Shariatpur. Through this “Hogla Leaf” women made bed sheets/Mats and those products sold in the market for their daily livings and food security as well as climate change community adaptation. The total direct beneficiaries were 20 and the project is ongoing successfully.

    VICAS Awareness raising Meeting : We were able to do village team formation meeting for developing women-led village climate adaptation surveillance that is called Village Climate Adaptation Surveillance (VICAS) Team, through this team we did awareness meeting with the village women for promoting benefits of climate adaptation in rural communities. By this awareness meeting our beneficiaries are getting the benefits and now they are aware of their rights, climate change and its impact on disabled and non disabled persons. The total direct beneficiaries were 480, indirect beneficiaries 2500 (these people from mass media, civil society and local community).

    Small Adaptation Project : One of our major successes was in Shariatpur district in 2015. We empowered about 100 vulnerable women including Women with Disabilities WWD’s. Women were able to take control of their own life and took the matter into their own hands for any kind of abuse and injustice. Small adaptation project and capacity building (goat rearing, fish ring, chili cultivating, crops stocking and nursery), we were able to make them self sufficient and independent, besides our leadership training among the beneficiaries helped to sustain the program as well. We totally changed the communities view towards these groups of people, no longer WWD’s were looked upon as obsolete, communities are giving priorities to WWD’s for any job position, offering them help in very many ways to alleviate their sorrows. Communities are coming forward to reduce poverty by self employment for them through making linkage with local civil society organization.

    Group formation meeting among women group : Climate change is a vital issue for Bangladesh and it is getting worse each day. Even though it’s inevitable in Bangladesh but through the proper education, workshop, knowledge and management its impact can be prevented in very many ways. SEDAD is currently working on 2 sub district, Goshaiarhut , Vedergong and four (4) unions, Arshinagor, Dimkhali,Kodalpur an Idulpur union in a 4 years project until 2016, in different areas on climate change education, adaptation, awareness, protection, survival  in the communities in many strategic ways. In order to have a successful project completion, SEDAD form many teams to work in different areas, time to time they works individually or by cooperation with another team. There are many good sides to this, each team can share their thoughts with other, can exchange good ideas or even can offer physical help when it’s necessary.
    Education program on climate change: Open field education session in the community to teach them the cause and effect of climate change. How the climate change is affecting in the Bangladesh in general, what are the responsibilities as an individual or as community to deal with the situation, what positive steps we can take to prevent it and all other areas.

    Day long workshop : One of many day long workshops to discuss various climate change issue. The workshops cover many strategic areas, including pilot program, their execution, community responsibility and duties, various survival techniques and many plan executions.

    Teaching Session on Climate Change : One of many training session for the facilitators on various climate change adaption program. In order to teach communities about the climate change, cause effect and other aspect of these natural phenomena, well trained and well knowledge facilitators are a must, a video session, participants are getting visual on how the climate change is affecting our eco system.  Video sessions are followed by lecture to answer participant’s various questions. It’s more practical approach; viewers have more easy time to accept the fact, a fine strategic approach.

    Community consultancy  : Community consultancy is a key chapter in this program, SEDAD is working with the community and community’s feedback,, community cooperation is vital to this program. Times to time various pilot programs have been implemented by consulting with the community.
    Field work and monitoring : A facilitator is talking with a community person, Facilitators actively do time to time survey and monitor project progress in order to have a successful project completion.

    Literacy and Education Program : Education is the backbone of a nation and no nation can develop without education. The current average of literacy rate of this country is about 64%, however it varies from area to area. The literacy rate amongst the poor communities, mainly living in the rural areas is much lower as compared to the effluent community living in the urban areas. Considering this problem, SEDAD has initiated Non-Formal Education program several years back. As a part of these initiatives, SEDAD and its co-operating NGOs have provided NFE to approx 2615 children and adult during the last one (1) year out of which 505 were persons with different degree of disabilities. 
    Non–Formal Education provided to the Child beneficiaries: Except one School at Shibchar in Madaripur District, the other Schools were operated for both normal and disabled children from poor and distressed families as a part of inclusive education. One other added advantage and also obtained from this type of mixing well integration of the two distinct communities created a social harmony in the areas. In one NFE School, about 100 children and adults are admitted and one teacher is hired. The curricula include textbooks, from the Non-Formal Primary Education Department of the Govt. of Bangladesh. One session usually last from 6 to 12 months depending on the age group of children and adults and on the basis of their acceptance capabilities. Adequate emphasis was given in 2015-2016 for the improvement of quality education through regular training of teachers and close monitoring and supervision of School operation. After completion of education in the SEDAD, they got more priorities when they wanted to get admission into the normal Government Primary School

    IGA related skill- training Activities: One of the main goals of SEDAD is to make Deaf-blind, Disabled and other distressed, destitute people as self-reliant and self sustained through provision of IGA related skill training on different IGA activities. These topics included poultry, duck and goat rearing, preparation of handicrafts, sewing by using different local products like leaf, straw, jute etc. and mats, fishing traps, flower bases etc. with bamboos. Training is also provided for vegetables, fruits and development of nurseries. Those persons who do not want to undertake skill training or who are not capable enough to undertake such training SEDAD organized some entrepreneurship development training like opening of small grocery shop, fuel selling shop, vegetable shop and selling of shopping bags etc. In these training sessions out of 3890 persons trained in the year 2015-2016, 1291 were disabled persons (I.e. 33.19%).

    Skills Training for Production of Handicrafts : Training sessions were adjusted as per their capabilities and on the basis of availability of local indigenous raw materials. Some parents and guardian were also included in the training Programs. After completion of their training they were provided with some micro credit so that they can open small business to become self-reliant and improve their quality of living.  
