Objectives: 1. To organize the deaf-blind & disabled persons and the
members of their families and the destitute people into functional groups to
participate in suitable program for improvement of their life situation.
2. To organize and
implement suitable programs for socio economic development of the deaf-blind
& disabled, disadvantages people including their families and the society
as self respected members with dignity. It is so needed, as the disabled people
are still remained dependent on mercy of the society.
3. Social support and
deaf-blind communicator development, rehabilitation, necessary equipment
support and special education for the Deaf-blind.
4. Promotion and
safeguarding the human rights of the deaf-blind & disabled person and the
destitute people. To develop and participate in all spheres of life with other
members of the society.
5. To develop the
health, hygiene and nutritional aspect of the families of the deaf-blind,
disabled and the destitute & disadvantage people, which can help to
minimize / reduce disabilities as possible to ensure wealthy life.
6. To change the
attitude of community people to provide assistance for developing the deaf-blind
disabled persons and destitute people rather than apathetic feeling for
7. To undertake
survey, study and research works on disability issue to find out valuable data
that can help planning, undertaking and implementation of viable programs for
the deaf-blind, disabled & disadvantage people.
8. To create
opportunities for preventing children dropout and never enrolled in primary
school adult both male and female, adolescent boys and girls both will brought
under formal and non-formal education program.
9. To develop the
socio economic condition of the targeted people through organizing them in to
small groups, capital formation, motivation and non-formal education (NFE).
10. To develop the
targeted people into skilled, conscious and qualified through arranging
training, seminar and workshop etc.
11. To create
employment and self-employment opportunities through undertaking different
appropriate, viable and feasible Income Generating Activities IGA).
12. To create
favorable health atmosphere and to control population growth through providing
primary health and family planning education.
13. To eradicate
social barriers, religious superstition, injustice, exploitation, deprivation
etc. through education and motivation.
14. To reduce social
diseases like divorce, abandon, separation, dowry and torture through
increasing the social value of women and participation in decision-makings
15. To develop the
local environmental situations political free through forestry and nursery
16. To participate in
relief and rehabilitation activities at the time of natural calamities to help
the victims.
18. To change the
attitude of community people to provide assistance for developing the heard of
hearing people.
19. To establish
taking library and Braille library where necessary.
20. To assist the
Government effort for creation of good governance and establishment of rule of
law in the country.
21. To participate in all events such
as mass rallies, holding of seminars and offer activities for establishment of
human rights, women rights and rights of the disabled people.
SEDAD, active in the country as a non-profit
making, non-political, non-Government national organization of the disabled
people duly registered by the NGO Affairs Bureau and social welfare ministry
of Government of the People‘s Republic
of Bangladesh was established in 1992 with the initiatives of a group of
disabled and some non diasbled philonthropic people. Since its inception, SEDAD
has been working for the disabled persons in the country with the firm faith in
the morals of working for the poorest strata of rural people irrespective of
castes and creeds and the ideal of the service for them is to convert the
disabled people into working hands towards self-reliance by self-doings to lead
life with dignity and honor so that their rights and privileges are recognized
and their opportunities to participate in the mainstream of national development
activities are ensured.
To make the disabled people aware of their duties
and responsibilities to their families, society and the state as true citizen,
the SEDAD took up programs of their self development & Empowerment to
materialize its objectives and goal. SEDAD works through its working potentials
of (i) Identifying the disabled people through initial survey (ii) Enhancing
the skills and ability of non-curable ones by appropriate and felt-needed
training to strengthen the human creativity in them (iii) Activating their
training skill through provision of liberal credit support as collective loan
as a starting point of emancipation from social and economical bondage (iv)
Referring the curable impaired persons to appropriate institutions i.e. other
NGO, special clinics, hospitals nearby for restoration of their vision by
As per constitution of SEDAD disabled people have
rights to express their views and ideas by participating in the decision making
and implementation process of the organization. SEDAD gives importance on
democratic values and social commitment of the disabled people. It cordially
believes in that disabled people are inseparable part of the society, they are
able to play active role in the mainstreaming development and nation-building
activities by utilizing their skills and talents. SEDAD is very much careful and attentive to
take up effective program for empowerment, inclusive development, self-reliance
and independent living of the disabled people.
Bangladesh, being the most densely populated and
one of the poorest countries in the world, the disables stand no chance of
opportunity in life, especially if the person is poor and female. Out of 170
million, approximately 14% populations are disabled. Bangladesh government has
sets of rules and welfare systems to provide assistance but it does not
sufficient for this group. SEDAD, (Socio Economic Development Association for
Disabled) a NGO, free from any political influences and benefits, was founded
with a view to bring an end of suffering of this group, give them status and
create a society where everyone will be respected. We believe everyone has a
duty as a human, a duty within self and a duty towards others, keeping this
sincere and honest approach; we concentrate our main activities to improve the
Socio Economic status for the most disadvantage group (poor destitute
population) and people with disability.
We started as a small organization but our honest and sincere efforts of our
Executives, stuffs and volunteers are
enabling us to help more and more disadvantage groups every day and grow
bigger. Currently, the activities of the organization are concentrating in the
12 Districts of Bangladesh.
In the meantime, SEDAD has successfully completed
over 26 years of its development interventions in the field of rehabilitation
and education of the persons with disability. During the period of 26 years the
organization had to confront various odd situations and obstacles in the
pursuits of its activities. This specified information / report is an honest
and modest effort to publicize all its attempts undertaken to survive as a
development of the disabled persons and the progress made in the period of
reporting. So the report at its present
form provides a momentary view of the organization’s own profile and its
involvement, experiences, lessons learnt, obstacles faced with etc during the
implementation of the concerned programs.
SEDAD is operating and
implementing is programs for the development of disable people with the support
of 6 partner organization in different district of Bangladesh.
The activities of SEDAD are governed by an 7
member Executive Committee elected every two years by the General Council of 26
members coming from all the walks of life of the society. The Executive
Director of SEDAD with the assistance of other secretarial staffs is doing all
official and organizational works as the Chief Executive of the organization
and he is also responsible for implementation of all the projects. He is
responsible to implement the decision of Executive Committee and General
Council. There is also a 7-member advisory committee of SEDAD where the
important personalities provide valuable suggestion and advices for the
progress of the organization.
The whole of the Work Plan, Annual Budget,
Activities and Financial Report are discussed threadbare and approved by the
General Council in its Annual General Meetings held every year also major
discetion regarding organization and its beneficiaries/ members are taken by
the general council. The Executive committee and general council of SEDAD both
are bound to perform their responsibilities and duties as per constitution of
the organization.
The fund for operation of the project of SEDAD is
generated by donation of National and International Donor Agencies, Local
Philanthropic and contribution of the members of SEDAD and SEDAD own income by
transcribing Braille reading materials.
The treasurer of the organization is in the sole
charge of the Accounts. The fund generated through donations of National and
International Donor Agencies remains deposited in the Account opened in the
name of the organization, in any of the scheduled Banks wherefrom the monetary
transactions are made under the joint signatures of 2 of the 3 bonafide office
bearers viz the President, Secretary General cum Executive Director and
treasurer. The Executive Director is the main signatory of any Bank
transactions. All financial dealings are conducted by the provisions as
contained in the Accounts and Financial Procurement Manual approved by the
General Council of SEDAD. All financial transactions like credit and debit
vouchers, financial statements Audit Reports etc are preserved as important
financial documents. The Accounts officer of the organization is responsible
for all sorts of maintenance of the financial records, duly checked and signed
by the Executive Director. The accounts officer is also responsible for
preparing annual financial statement and annual budget in consultation with the
Executive Director and treasurer of the organization. Then the budget and
financial statement is placed through the treasurer in the annual general
meeting and passed by the general council of the organization.
The monitoring and evaluation procedure is given
below: For meaningful evaluation of the programs of project activities, a
continuous monitoring system is applied
for which trained and experienced staffs are deployed. The implementing process
as per work-plan is duly supervised by the Field Supervisors whole activities
are supervised by the Project Coordinator. The Executive Director ex-officio
Project Director pays occasional or surprised visits to the field operations to
look for any irregularity or problem and to provide appropriate remedies. For
discussion on the whole program, monthly coordination meetings are held at the Project Office duly attended by
Field Staffs, sometimes representatives of the beneficiaries and such meetings
are sometimes attended by the Project Director as observer also.
SEDAD follows the following system as regards to
documentation and reporting on the program activities. The Field
Organizers/Facilitators of SEDAD prepare daily activities reports on the
performances in their respective field of operation and submit them to their
respective line manager who prepare monthly activities reports and submit to
the Project Coordinator who prepares the quarterly Activities Reports and
submit to the Executive Director. Depending on the duration of the Project
Annual or Final Activities Report is prepared and published by the Executive
Director- a copy of which is submitted to Executive Committee and the Donor
consultancy is a key chapter in this program, SEDAD is working with the
community and community’s feedback,, community cooperation is vital to this
program. Times to time various pilot programs have been implemented by
consulting with the community.
is the backbone of a nation and no nation can develop without education. The
current average of literacy rate of this country is about 64%, however it
varies from area to area. The literacy rate amongst the poor communities,
mainly living in the rural areas is much lower as compared to the effluent
community living in the urban areas. Considering this problem, SEDAD has
initiated Non-Formal Education program several years back. As a part of these
initiatives, SEDAD and its co-operating NGOs have provided NFE to approx 2615
children and adult during the last one (1) year out of which 505 were persons
with different degree of disabilities.
Education provided to the Child beneficiaries: Except one School at
Shibchar in Madaripur District, the other Schools were operated for both normal
and disabled children from poor and distressed families as a part of inclusive
education. One other added advantage and also obtained from this type of mixing
well integration of the two distinct communities created a social harmony in
the areas. In one NFE School, about 100 children and adults are admitted and
one teacher is hired. The curricula include textbooks, from the Non-Formal
Primary Education Department of the Govt. of Bangladesh. One session usually
last from 6 to 12 months depending on the age group of children and adults and
on the basis of their acceptance capabilities. Adequate emphasis was given in
2015-2016 for the improvement of quality education through regular training of
teachers and close monitoring and supervision of School operation. After
completion of education in the SEDAD, they got more priorities when they wanted
to get admission into the normal Government Primary School